Our goal is to realize resilient buildings that can minimize damage and enable immediate recovery and business continuity after a major earthquake that occurs only once every several hundred or several thousand years. In recent years, we have focused our research on seismic isolation. We take the stance that architecture must be beautiful and comfortable, but it must also be safe and secure (including the pursuit of structural beauty and mechanical rationality).
公開ゼミ:月・木の午前にオンラインで開催しています。参加希望者は問い合わせフォームから申し込んでください。ゼミ配属前の1~3年生も歓迎します。Open seminar: Online seminars are held on Monday and Thursday mornings. If you wish to participate, please sign up via the inquiry form. Students in their first to third year before seminar assignment are also welcome!
JSCA アイス棒ブリッジコンテストにて、カテゴリーⅠの「コンセプト賞」を受賞しました!アイス棒を編み込んで作った面材ユニットでボックス断面を構成したユニークなブリッジを創造しました。We received the "Concept Award" in Category I at the JSCA Ice Stick Bridge Contest! We created a unique bridge consisting of a box cross section with a surface unit made of woven ice sticks.
日本建築学会『大振幅地震動に対する免震構造の設計』(主査:小林正人)が出版されました。"Structural Design Concepts for Seismically Isolated Buildings against Extreme Ground Motions" (lead author: Masato Kobayashi) was published by the Architectural Institute of Japan.
>> AIJ
日時:2月28 日(金) 13:00~17:20
[Symposium by the Architectural Institute of Japan: Seismic Isolation Structure Subcommittee]
"The Ideal Form of Seismic Isolation Structures Considering Social Context – Aiming for Healthy Dissemination"
Date and Time: Friday, February 28, 1:00 PM – 5:20 PM (Japan Standard Time, JST)
Venue: Architectural Institute of Japan Hall & Live Streaming
Details: The symposium will be conducted in Japanese and will include two keynote explanations by Dr. Yasukazu Izawa, who earned his doctorate last year in our laboratory.
Presentation of graduation thesis and graduation design on 1/23. They did their best to respond to the sharp and specialized questions from the faculty members. There was a definite growth in their performance. Yoshiki Aiba's graduation thesis, “Influence of the Number of Oil Dampers with Deadband Mechanisms on the Response of Seismically Isolated Buildings to Various Earthquake Motions,” was selected for the Graduation Thesis Excellence Award by the Department of Architecture, Meiji University. He carefully discussed the relationship between various input seismic motions and the appropriate number of dampers that changes accordingly.
温故創新の森 NOVARE|清水建設のオープンイノベーション拠点。研究室OBに案内してもらいました。NOVARE Academyの建築・土木工事のモックアップ展示は、時間を忘れてずっと見ていられます。3Dプリンタやロボット施工の先進事例はとても興味深かったです。
The members of our lab were shown around NOVARE (Shimizu Corporation's Open Innovation Center) by an alumnus of our lab, and the mock-up exhibits of architectural and civil engineering works at the NOVARE Academy were very interesting. The advanced examples of 3D printers and robotic construction were very interesting.
11/30の明治大学建築学科シンポジウム「明治大学生田第2校舎2号館の記憶の継承」多くの卒業生・在校生が参加してくれました。2号館の構造計画は、SRC構造であること、大きなトップライト(バタフライ)、15 mの1スパンラーメン架構であることを中心にお話ししました。2号館は建築意匠と構造計画の調和が強く感じられる建築です。
Many graduates and current students participated in the symposium of the Department of Architecture, Meiji University on November 30, “Inheriting the Memory of Meiji University Ikuta No.2 Building” I talked about the structural design of Building No.2, focusing on its SRC structure, large top light (butterfly), and 15 m long one-span ramen frame structure. Building No. 2 is a building in which the architectural design and the structural plan are in strong harmony.
11 /16(土)・17(日)に第14回日中建築構造技術交流会が四川大学にて開催されました。小林は、基調講演と話題提供を行いました。3月に修了した留学生とも再会し、実りの多い2日間でした。
The 14th Japan-China Building and Structural Technology Exchange Conference was held at Sichuan University on November 16(Sat.) and 17(Sun.). Prof. Kobayashi gave a keynote speech and presented a topic, and we had a fruitful two-day event, reuniting with international students who completed their studies in March.
Meiken Symposium 2024
Inheriting the Memory of Meiji University Ikuta No. 2 Building
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2024, 13:30-16:10
Place: Room 2003, Second Building No. 2, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
Prof. Kobayashi will talk about the structural design of the Second School Building No. 2.
構造家 深澤大樹さん(多田脩二構造設計事務所)の講演会。構造家がトップを務めるアトリエ事務所の魅力について実作品を通じてお話しいただきました。話題作の[52間の縁側]が、実際は42間であることは様々なことを考えさせられる話題提供でした。学生からの質疑も活発で大変盛り上がりました。
Lecture by Mr Hiroki Fukazawa (Shuji Tada Structural Consultant), a structural engineer. He talked about the appeal of an atelier office headed by a structural engineer through his actual works. The fact that the much-talked-about work [the 52-ken veranda] is actually 42 ken is a topic that made the audience think about various things. Questions from the students were lively and very much appreciated.
本日の研究室配属説明会、お疲れ様でした。研究室の活動がよくわからんという声を 聴き、今年からパネルを展示しています。A館10階に来た際にはぜひ眺めてみてください。研究室にいれば個別に説明しますので、遠慮なく声をかけてください。お待ちしてます!
“Structural Analysis” lecture featured Dr. Yasukazu Izawa, a member of the Nihon Sekkei Structural Design Group. He discussed the role of structural analysis in design practice with case examples and the contribution of structural analysis to a decarbonized society, making the lecture timely and meaningful for us.
10/3(木)、10/10(木) 2限 A1001室
9/30(月)、10/3(木)、10/7(月) 4限/5限 A1002室
期間中の月・水・木の昼休み A1003室(9/23、10/9は除く)
The annual meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan was held at Meiji University Surugadai Campus on Aug. 27-30. Eight presentations were given by our laboratory. It was a fruitful conference with active question and answer sessions. Students also contributed as staff members.
追悼 洪 忠憙先生を偲んで|noteにて公開しました。日本免震構造協会『MENSHIN』(2024年7月号)と日本建築構造技術者協会『structure』(2024年7月号)への寄稿文を再編したものです。
In memory of Prof. Tadaki Koh|Published in NOTE. This is a reorganized version of the article I contributed to JSSI "MENSHIN" (July 2024 issue) and JSCA "structure" (July 2024 issue).
明治大学 和泉ラーニングスクエアが、第65回BCS賞に選ばれました。構造設計は研究室卒業生の牛尾直史さんらによるものです!画像は和泉ラーニングスクエアにて行われた構造設計のレクチャーの様子。おめでとうございます。
"Meiji University Izumi Learning Square" was selected for the 65th BCS Award. The structural design was done by Mr. Naofumi Ushio, a graduate of my laboratory, and others! The image shows a lecture on structural design held at Izumi Learning Square. Congratulations!
WCEE2024 in Milan. Four presentations were given by our lab. We also succeeded in making contact with research groups from overseas universities. It was very fruitful to talk about future research cooperation.
Lecture|Seismic Isolation - Preparing for Coming Major Earthquakes
Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 3:00 p.m.
Venue: YR Event Hall (Nishi-Ikebukuro)
Admission free, application required
Japan Architectural Reviewに翻訳論文が掲載されました。LRBの繰り返し変形による特性の変化を考慮した免震構造の地震応答を応答スペクトル法で算定する方法において、その予測精度を改善する方法を提案しています。
A translated paper was published in Japan Architectural Review, proposing a method to improve the prediction accuracy of the seismic response of seismically isolated structures by using the response spectrum method, which considers changes in the characteristics of LRBs due to repeated deformation.
Japan Architectural Reviewに掲載されました。極大地震動に備えて開発した不感帯機構付きオイルダンパーを用いた免震建物の地震応答性状を分析しました。
A translated paper was published in Japan Architectural Review. We analyzed the seismic response of seismically isolated buildings with oil dampers with a dead zone mechanism that we developed to prepare for extreme earthquake ground motion.
>>Japan Architectural Review
構造力学(小林正人)研究室 拡大ゼミ
日時:2024年6月25日(木)16 : 00~17 : 00
場所:明治大学生田キャンパス A館3階A311教室
Structural Mechanics Laboratory Expanded Seminar
Lecturer: Yasukazu Izawa & Yuta Koyama (Structural Engineer, NIHON SEKKEI)
Date: Tuesday, Jun 25, 16:00-17:00
Place: Room A311, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
(This event is limited to students on campus.)
構造力学研究室 拡大ゼミ
講師:奥野 親正(構造家,久米設計 構造設計室 室長)
Structural Mechanics Laboratory Expanded Seminar
Lecturer: Chikamasa Okuno (Structural Engineer, General Manager, Structural Design Office, Kume Sekkei)
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 16:00-17:00
Place: Room 0303, Central Building, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
(This event is limited to students on campus.)
The first draft of “Earthquake Ground Motion and Seismic Isolation: Expectations for Mathematics for Disaster Mitigation” contributed to the March issue of Mathematics Seminar “Special Issue on Mathematics for Disaster Mitigation: Taking a Broader View of Disaster Mitigation and Weaving a Future from Disasters” is now available on "note".
井澤保一氏の博士論文『地震動入力レベルに対する冗長性を考慮した免震構造の耐震安全性評価』がMeiji Repositoryにて公開されています。免震構造の設計余裕度と冗長性に関する議論です。米国からのダウンロードが多く、免震構造への関心の高さが伺えます。
Dr. Yasukazu Izawa's doctoral thesis, “Seismic Safety Evaluation of Seismic Isolation Structures Considering Redundancy for Earthquake Input Levels,” is now available in the Meiji Repository. It is a discussion on the design margin and redundancy of seismic isolation structures and has been downloaded from the U.S., indicating a high level of interest in seismic isolation structures.
Design of Aseismic Structures (5th Edition): Easy-to-learn Structural Design” (Kanto Branch, Architectural Institute of Japan) was published on April 10, 2012. Prof. Kobayashi co-authored the newly added chapter 8, “Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control Structures.
Contact Us
- 大学院受験に関するご相談
研究内容に関するご意見やご質問 など
Thank you for your interest in our laboratory. Please feel free to contact us.
Open seminar: We hold online seminars on Monday and Thursday mornings. Please let us know in advance if you wish to attend. 1st to 3rd grade students and students from other universities are also welcome!
Consultation about graduate school entrance examinations
Opinions and questions about our research, etc.
Earthquake response prediction of seismically isolated buildings based on response spectrum method considering changes in characteristics of lead rubber bearings due to repeated deformations, part 2: Improvement of prediction accuracy by equivalent damping factor calculation method using effective ductility factor
Kobayashi, M., Zhu, Z. and Senda, Y. (2024) Jpn Archit Rev, 7: e12452. https://doi.org/10.1002/2475-8876.12452
Seismic response characteristics of seismically isolated buildings with dead zone mechanism connected to oil damper
Yachiune, K., Suzuki, A., Saito, Y., Tokuno, M. and Kobayashi, M. (2024)
Jpn Archit Rev, 7: e12448. https://doi.org/10.1002/2475-8876.12448
Proposal for vertical distribution of seismic design load and equivalent isolation ratio for seismically isolated buildings with multiple types of dampers: Vertical distribution of seismic design load for seismically isolated buildings corresponding to diversity of seismic isolation devices, part 2
Kobayashi, M. and Komachi, Y. (2024)
Jpn Archit Rev, 7: e12422. https://doi.org/10.1002/2475-8876.12422
鉛プラグ挿入型積層ゴムの繰返し変形による特性変化を考慮した応答スペクトル法に基づく免震建物の地震応答予測(その2): 有効塑性率を用いた等価減衰定数の算定法による予測精度の改善
小林 正人, 宇佐美 孝典, 江原 諒, 川上 善嗣, 藤森 智
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2024年89 巻815号,pp. 22-30
Earthquake response prediction of seismically isolated buildings based on the response spectrum method considering changes in characteristics of lead rubber bearings due to repeated deformations
Kobayashi, M., Sato, K. and Sato, K. (2023)
Jpn Archit Rev, 6: e12388. https://doi.org/10.1002/2475-8876.12388
小林 正人, 佐藤 啓太, 佐藤 和紀
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2022年87巻 802号,pp. 1123-1132
Vertical distribution of seismic design load for seismically isolated buildings corresponding to diversity of seismic isolation devices
Kobayashi, M., Tanizaki, G., Matsuda, S.
Japan Architectural Review, 2022, 5(4), pp. 386–403
丸尾 純也, 谷地畝 和夫, 稲井 慎介, 太田 行孝, 石田 琢志, 小阪 宏之, 小林 正人
日本建築学会技術報告集,2021年27巻66号,pp. 632-637
谷地畝 和夫, 鈴木 彰, 齋藤 雄太, 得能 将紀, 小林 正人
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2021年86巻 781号,pp. 381-391
谷地畝 和夫, 稲井 慎介, 山本 健史, 得能 将紀, 小林 正人
日本建築学会技術報告集,2021年27巻65号,pp. 136-141
小林 正人, 合田 正剛
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2020年85巻 778号,pp. 1545-1553
小林 正人, 石本 拳也
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2019年84巻 759号,pp. 617-626
Damping correction formula considering the period-dependent characteristics of the design response spectra of long-period ground motions for the hypothetical Nankai Trough earthquake: An investigation of the simplified spectra and waveform example provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Masahito Kobayashi, Yuto Kataoaka
Japan Architectural ReviewVolume 3, Issue 4, First published: 30 July 2020
小林 正人, 片岡 祐人
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2019年84巻 758号,pp. 477-487
井澤 保一, 小林 正人, 人見 泰義
日本建築学会技術報告集,2019 年 25 巻 60 号 p. 631-636
小林 正人, 服部 龍太郎, 藤森 智
日本建築学会技術報告集,2017年23巻53 号,pp. 71-76
多種のダンパーを併用した免震建物の設計用地震荷重分布と等価免震係数の提案免震部材の多様化に対応した免震建物の設計用地震荷重分布 その2
小林 正人, 小町 祐介
日本建築学会構造系論文集,2016年81巻 720号,pp. 251-260
新田 哲史
その9 表層地盤の影響を考慮した長周期地震動に対する速度応答評価式の提案
日本免震構造協会|2019年 第12回 免震構造・制振構造に関わる優秀修士論文賞
阪上 雄斗
谷本 満里菜
小町 祐介
松田 紳吾
免震部材の多様性を考慮 した免震建物の設計用地震荷重分布